Hamilton Robotics Introduces Workflow Application Solutions

12 Feb 2015
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

This year at SLAS 2015, Hamilton Robotics is introduced highly sought after application solutions on all their liquid handling platforms that are built around the needs of your laboratory. From assay ready workstations to fully automated systems, Hamilton application solutions bring all the components of your workflow seamlessly together.

These application solutions offer optimized workflows with "ready to go" templates that are easily modified by the user, resulting in quicker assay turnaround for faster results. The user guided interfaces provided with all the application solutions are easy to use and offer step-by-step guided assay setup with no training required, making your assay ready to run in minutes. In addition, the "ready to go" application workstations are featuring improved and efficient use of workspaces like the 9mm pipetting access on the Microlab NIMBUS4 and backwards compatibility of Microlab STARline methods on the VANTAGE Liquid Handling System.

Applications featured this year at SLAS included cellular assay and sequencing workstations for cytotoxicity studies, single cell sequencing, GPCR reporter cell-based assays and microbial screening and optimization workflows. Some of the chemistries these systems will be running will be the Promega CellTiter-Glo® Assay and the Illumina® Nextera Rapid Capture Enrichment protocols. Unique to the microbial and optimization workflows are the new Hamilton Spiral Plating Module, easyPick Imaging and Clone Selection System and the Screw Cap Tube Recapping and Decapping STAR.

For those interested in protein preparation and analytical sample prep workstations, the Hamilton Microlab NIMBUS and Vantage platforms will be demonstrated solid phase extraction workflows with our new MPE2 positive pressure with evaporation module and the for LC/MS sample preparation workstation featuring the extended enclosed NIMBUS4 and integrated Sias Ixion centrifuge.

For ELISA applications, Hamilton will be showcased the ELISA NIMBUS which features a complete walk-away solution for your low- to mid- throughput immunoassay applications.

Lastly, one of the most noteworthy application solutions that shown was the NGS STAR for Illumina® Library Preparation running the Illumina-qualified assays TruSeq Total Stranded RNA, Stranded mRNA, RNA Access, and Nano DNA, as well as other methodologies used in the process of library preparation.

