Hamilton Robotics Launches the Immunostain NIMBUS, a Compact Workstation Designed to Accelerate Immunofluorescent Staining

20 Jan 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Hamilton Robotics introduces the Microlab® Immunostain NIMBUS® Workstation for automated immune-histochemistry (IHC) and in situ hybridization (ISH) applications. This compact, automated and cost-effective workstation accepts multiple slide configurations and staining kit brands for simple and error-free operations.

Immunofluorescent staining is a laborious process that takes hours to complete and is subject to handling errors. However, labs now have a cost-effective alternative that significantly speeds the process, improves the chain of custody for samples processing and provides standardized, more quantifiably comparable results.

The Immunostain NIMBUS Workstation reduces reagent use and removes operator-to-operator variability. It can process up to 24 slides at once and fully supports single-color and multi-color IHC and ISH kits. The NIMBUS workstation can also process slides for conventional light microscopy and comes with two washing options: automated pipetting or a tilt module.

The demo method included with the Immunostain NIMBUS Workstation offers an easy-to-use software wizard that provides systematic instructions for slide setup and reagent processing, which can easily be adapted to any requirements and makes it simple to transition to an automated system.

Hamilton Robotics is committed to providing labs with automated liquid handling workstations that fit their needs and budgets, and this automated slide staining station adds speed and reliability to a technician’s daily research.

The NIMBUS workstations are for research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

