Hands-on Microscopy Discovery with the Experts

7 Aug 2014
Charlotte Moore
Administrator / Office Personnel

Olympus will be exhibiting at three major European microscopy meetings over the next month, offering delegates the chance to personally experience microscopy solutions spanning a wide range of applications, from routine pathology to high-end advanced research.

Hamburg, 07.08.2014 – Providing the chance to discover the latest microscopy solutions in person, Olympus will be at the major microscopy meetings in Europe over the next month. With highly trained specialists on booth at each event, delegates will benefit from comprehensive demonstrations and expert advice and insight for all application requirements.

At the 26th European Congress of Pathology (ECP) 2014, 30 August – 3 September in London, stand 5, Olympus will exhibit its range of microscope systems and accessories dedicated to pathology, which can enhance the workflow of both research and diagnostic centers alike. The BX3 range of upright microscope offers complete flexibility and ergonomics, with each user able to set up the microscope to match their posture. The BX63 system on display will also feature the unique dual chip Olympus DP80 digital camera which has both color and monochrome capability allowing joint color and fluorescent imaging in pathology applications.
Also on display will be the Olympus VS120 virtual slide scanner that creates a “virtual slide” high-resolution image of the complete specimen at a range of magnifications. This can be stored on a central server, enabling instant access and simultaneous viewing anywhere in the world, making it suitable for remote diagnosis and teaching.

For more information please visit www.esp-congress.org.

At the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) Meeting 2014 in Paris on 30 August - 4 September, stand 9+10, Olympus will demonstrate the latest in high-end live cell imaging technologies with its range of IX3 inverted microscope systems. Offering a completely modular and flexible platform, the unique “open source” IX3 frames feature a swappable deck design which allows optical modules to be easily exchanged into the accessible infinite light path. The Olympus cellVivo environmental control module will also be on show, which offers a host of benefits for live cell imaging, including optimized accessibility, darkroom and laser-safety capabilities.

For more information please visit www.febs-embo2014.org.

At the 18th International Microscopy Congress in Prague on 7-12 September 2014, stand 17+18, the company will have an extensive range of advanced microscope systems and accessories on show for enhancing life and materials science applications. Exhibits include the LEXT OLS4100 3D laser scanning industrial microscope for precision surface metrology, the award-winning DSX500 industrial inspection microscope for a wide range of sample types, sizes and weights and the FluoView FV10i all-in-one confocal laser scanning microscope for easy and efficient high-quality confocal imaging.

