Have Complete Confidence in Your Results with Acusera Linearity Sets

29 Mar 2016
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

CLIA ’88 defines linearity as the assaying of materials of known concentrations in the same manner as patient samples to verify the instruments’ linearity throughout the reportable range for patient test results.

CLIA recommend that laboratories should perform and document calibration verification procedures once every 6 months or whenever other factors occur, e.g. a complete change of reagents, major maintenance or replacement of critical parts in the system or a new instrument requires validation. On top of this bi-annual testing, CLIA also recommend that a minimum of 3 levels are tested covering the low, middle and high points of the reportable range. If results obtained are within the pre-established acceptance limits then performance is considered acceptable.

In many cases, data reduction software is supplied with the product, this is used to automatically plot results. Sometimes these software packages are also capable of comparing peer group results – a lab can then use these results for any troubleshooting necessary.

Acusera Linearity sets cover a wide range of clinical testing including, Cardiac Markers, Therapeutic Drugs and Specific Proteins. Designed with convenience in mind our linearity sets all come with either 5 or 6 levels and are liquid ready-to-use therefore eliminating preparation time and any potential reconstitution errors. The long shelf life of our products ensures that the same lot number can be used for more than one testing cycle, therefore meeting the requirements set by CLIA of bi-annual testing. Instrument dedicated and covering the full reportable range – Acusera linearity sets are available for use with Beckman and Roche Cobas instrumentation. The long open vial stabilities associated with our sets allow labs to use any leftover material for troubleshooting purposes.

Complimentary data reduction software, Acusera Verify, is supplied with all our linearity sets. This intuitive and user-friendly software allows real-time comparison to peer group data, as well as online access anytime for user convenience. Acusera Verify will automatically generate charts to allow at-a-glance performance assessment while saving you time by eliminating the need to manually plot results.

Incorrect results can prove vital to a patient’s health and it is therefore imperative that laboratories get the correct results first time round – to do this, they need to be certain their test system is working properly and has no underlying problems. Acusera linearity sets can aid laboratories by testing the instruments full reportable range allowing the lab to be confident of reporting accurate and consistent results.

