Hepregen Announces Publication of Several Scientific Papers Providing Evidence of the Unprecedented Utility of Its Hepatopac™ Products

17 Feb 2014
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Hepregen Corporation, leader in the development of next generation HepatoPac™ and HepatoMune™ cell-based in vitro assay products, announced today the publication of three scientific papers that demonstrate the unique utility of the Company’s HepatoPac™ products for predicting and understanding metabolic and cell transport pathways in both humans and rats, the latter being an important animal model often used for preclinical pharmaceutical development.

The papers were published independently by researchers based at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals U.S. research facility located in Ridgeway, Connecticut. They presented data that clearly demonstrated the high correlation of in vitro data with outcomes seen in preclinical animal studies and human clinical trials of the anti-hepatitis C virus (HCV)-directed drug, faldaprevir. These findings included determining the metabolic fate of the drug, identification of two key metabolites, their excretion pathway, and mechanisms of metabolism and transport of metabolites into the bile canaliculi.

An accurate in vitro surrogate for human liver activity

Jack McGeehan, Hepregen’s Vice President of Operations, stated, “These elegant studies provide more evidence of the real utility of Hepregen’s micro-patterned co-culture model. Our HepatoPac™ products provide an accurate in vitro surrogate for human liver activity due to the stabilized mature hepatocytes, fully functional for weeks, mimicking precisely the activity of their counterparts in the liver.”

Adding to a growing set of peer-reviewed publications

Dr. Vincent Zurawski, Hepregen’s Chief Executive Officer added, “These new studies provide strong evidence of the capabilities of the HepatoPac™ platform, adding to the substantive and growing set of peer-reviewed publications that distinguish Hepregen’s products from the competition.”

Yongmei Li, Jin Zhou, Diane Ramsden, Mitchell E. Taub, Drané O'Brien,Jun Xu, Carl A. Busacca, Nina
Gonnella, and Donald J. Tweedie
Enzyme-Transporter Interplay in the Formation and Clearance of Abundant Metabolites of
Faldaprevir Found in Excreta but not in Circulation
Drug Metab Dispos March 2014 42:384-393

Diane Ramsden, Donald J. Tweedie, Tom S. Chan, Mitchell E. Taub,and Yongmei Li
Bridging In Vitro and In Vivo Metabolism and Transport of Faldaprevir in Human Using a Novel
Cocultured Human Hepatocyte System, HepatoPac
Drug Metab Dispos March 2014 42:394-406

Diane Ramsden, Donald J. Tweedie, Roger St. George, Lin-Zhi Chen,and Yongmei Li
Generating an In Vitro–In Vivo Correlation for Metabolism and Liver Enrichment of a Hepatitis C
Virus Drug, Faldaprevir, Using a Rat Hepatocyte Model (HepatoPac)
Drug Metab Dispos March 2014 42:407-414

