High Precision, High Stability XYZ Microscope Stages, with Capacitive Feedback

13 Aug 2015
Chelsie Phillips
Temporary Editorial Assistant

As a nanopositioning and motion control systems leader, PI’s (Physik Instrumente) PInano™ super resolution (SR) microscope stage series is available in two variations - High Precision with piezoresistive position feedback sensors and High Precision with High Stability based on capacitive feedback sensors.

The high stability models are equipped with direct-measuring capacitive sensors. This type of sensor can provide higher linearity and long term stability than the lower cost piezoresistive sensor-equipped stages also available.

The large aperture accommodates microscopy accessories, such as slide holders, Petri dish holders, etc. The recessed bottom slide mount allows full rotation of the turret, without in and out Z-motion, protecting valuable objectives from crashing into the stage on turret rotation.

An optional 25x25 mm positioning stage with self-clamping ultrasonic ceramic motors serves as a stable basis for the piezo scanning stage and allows imaging of large samples. The microscope stages are compatible with all major image acquisition software packages, such as Micromanager™, Metamorph™, etc.

Features & Advantages

  • Sensor Choice: High Stability Capacitive or Lower Cost Piezoresistive Sensors
  • 24 Bit Controller with USB, Ethernet, RS-232 Interface and Analog Control
  • 200 µm XY or XYZ Travel, Closed-Loop Control for Sub-Nanometer Precision
  • Bottom Slide Mount for Full Turret Rotation Facilitates Integration
  • Many Options: Slide Holders & Petri Dish Holders; Motor XY Stage, Manual Stage
  • Longer Lifetime Due to Ceramic Encapsulated Piezo Drives
  • Software Support for Leading Image Acquisition Packages

