High-sensitivity Technology for Trace-level Aroma and Fragrance Profiling

13 Mar 2012
Roger Wayman
Administrator / Office Personnel

Markes International Ltd together with its mass spectrometry division, ALMSCO International, and US subsidiary Markes Inc. have jointly showcased their latest suite of products for trace-level organic chemical analysis at Pittcon 2012.

On show was the newly-released CIA Advantage™ TD system for automated and cryogen-free analysis of VOCs in air or gas canisters alongside Markes’ state-of-the-art technology for manual and automated thermal desorption of tube-based samples. The booth also featured Markes’ Micro-Chamber/Thermal Extractor™ (μ-CTE™) sample preparation accessory to complement their TD range. The μ-CTE provides a versatile quick screening tool for volatile and semi-volatile organic chemicals (VOCs and SVOCs) emitted from manufactured goods and raw materials and is also used extensively for fragrance and aroma profiling.

Offering reference-quality full spectral information at traditional SIM detection limits ALMSCO’s high-performance TOF mass spectrometer, BenchTOF-dx™ also highlighted at the show. Combining selectivity, stability and speed with full spectral sensitivity, this instrument delivers high-definition mass spectrometry and outstanding performance for every GC application. Rugged and robust for routine operation BenchTOF-dx, is also more than equal to the challenges of advanced research. It offers identification and measurement of both target compounds and unknowns in highly complex matrices and at the lowest possible levels.

Completing the suite of products on display will be ALMSCO’s pioneering data mining software, TargetView™, for automated identification and measurement of trace target compounds in highly complex GC/MS profiles.

“The combination of these technologies is particularly useful to those involved in the GC analysis of trace level components in highly complex mixtures” says Alun Cole, Markes’ CEO. “By using Markes and ALMSCO technologies side-by-side, we’re able to provide ‘multi-hyphenated’ solutions for a wide range of GC/MS applications, and at Pittcon 2012, we’ll be show-casing this using food aroma profiling as an example”.

The companies presented a total of eight posters that described the combined application of their technologies, including the analysis of trace-level ‘air toxics’, the odor-profiling of cheese, and online detection of chemical warfare agents and explosives.

