High Throughput PARP Screening Assays From AMSBIO

26 Mar 2018
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

AMSBIO is a specialist life science company offering an extensive portfolio of Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) isozymes. In addition, AMSBIO also offer assay kits, inhibitors, recombinant histone substrates and screening / profiling services for over 10 different PARP’s.

Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is a family of proteins that transfer ADP-ribose units from NAD+ onto target nuclear proteins, forming long branched Poly ADP-ribose (PAR) chains. PARPs play key signaling roles in apoptosis, DNA excision and repair, and chromatin structure. PARPs are also involved in transcriptional regulation of several signaling pathways, including genes involved in inflammation.

The latest addition to the AMSBIO range is the PARPtrap™ Assay Kit which is designed to measure PARP1/DNA complex formation in a high throughput screening assay using fluorescence polarization.

The PARPtrap™ Assay Kit comes in a convenient 96-well format, with purified PARP1 enzyme, fluorescent labelled nicked DNA, and PARPtrap™ assay buffer for 100 enzyme reactions. The key to the PARPtrap™ Assay Kit is the fluorescent labelled nicked DNA. Without the PAR reaction, PARP1 binds to the fluorescent labelled nicked DNA, resulting in the emission of highly polarized light. However, after autoribosylation of PARP1, the nicked DNA is dissociated from PARP1 and rotates freely, emitting less polarized light.

Designed for research use the PARPtrap™ Assay Kit sets a new standard for screening small molecules that enhance PARP1/DNA trapping in drug discovery and high throughput screening applications.

Do you use PARP Assays from AMSBIO in your work? Leave a review today for your chance to win $400 in Amazon vouchers.

