Highly Efficient Synthetic mRNAs

26 Oct 2017
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

AMSBIO has announced the launch of a new service for synthesis of custom-designed, highly modified mRNAs prepared by an advantageous in-vitro transcription methodology.

Traditional approaches for engineering changes in cellular expression profiles have employed mostly DNA or RNA based viral and non-viral vectors. Unfortunately, these methods carry high risks, due to genomic integration with permanent genetic alteration of cells, and safety and ethical concerns relating to the use of DNA-based vectors in human clinical therapy. Using in-vitro synthesized mRNAs offers an advantage if these crucial permanent changes are not needed and the associated problems can be avoided if transient gene expression changes are sufficient or even an advantage.

Until recently concerns about RNA degradation problems have halted widespread use. Recent advances in the availability of synthetic mRNAs (syn-mRNAs) prepared using in-vitro transcription methodologies has increased confidence in working with syn-mRNAs.

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The AMSBIO custom synthetic mRNA service uses Ψ-containing mRNA which is translated more efficiently than its unmodified counterpart, which results in higher protein expression and also reduces the innate antiviral response. The new AMSBIO service includes: synthesis of synthetic DNA, plasmid cloning, purification, full DNA sequencing documentation, PCR amplification of insert, purification and subsequent RNA synthesis by in-vitro transcription, purification and characterization. AMSBIO synthetic mRNA is made to research grade for development applications and to GMP grade for cell therapy.

Dr. Dusko Ilic, Reader in Stem Cell Science at Kings College London Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine commented " I am pleased to see AMSBIO are launching an IVT mRNA service". He added "An ideal reprogramming of somatic cells into induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) would utilize genome non-integrating vector systems. Among several available on the market today, I believe that modified synthetic mRNA, as offered by AMSBIO, is the best. It is safe, easy to work with and the reprogramming efficiency is reasonably high. Although the reprogramming protocol with mRNA may seem more laborious than others, it is quite the opposite. The iPSC lines can be used right away - reprogramming and pluripotency marker characterization of single clones can be done in a month, whereas other genome non-integrating vector systems require extensive passaging before the vectors become undetectable and we could start with characterization."

