Hit the ground running with Flow Chemistry application notes

17 Jan 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Flow chemistry holds great promise for today's synthetic chemist, but like any emerging technology, it has a learning curve. New users may wonder where to start with concentrations, temperatures and residence times, which often differ markedly from the corresponding parameters in batch mode.

So, to help new users be productive immediately, and show would be users some of what can be achieved with Vapourtec's new R Series flow chemistry system, Vapourtec have created a series of application notes, which describe in detail equipment set-up, parameters used and results obtained for a number of different reactions.

These notes, available from the Vapourtec website (link at Article webpage), demonstrate:

  • Flow synthesis in both homogeneous mode (tube reactors) and heterogeneous mode (packed column reactors).
  • Profiling and optimisation.
  • Reaction scale-up with no process development required
  • Superheating at elevated pressures for increased conversion
  • Concurrent two stage reactions

Reactions demonstrated include:

  • Linezolid synthesis
  • Transfer Hydrogenation
  • Heck Coupling
  • Ester Hydrolysis
  • Nitration
  • Hetereocycle formation

All application notes are in Adobe PDF format. The application notes can be downloaded from the Article Webpage.
