Hitachi Have Electron Microscopes to Suit Everyone at EMC 2012

9 Aug 2012
Tesni Perry
Administrator / Office Personnel

EMC2012 provides the perfect place to experience the sheer breadth of capabilities on offer from Hitachi’s range of electron microscopes. From bench top imaging to an ultra-high performance FESEM, visitors can see microscopes suitable for almost any application.

On show for the first time in Europe will be the SU3500, an instrument that brings unprecedented performance to variable pressure imaging using a thermionic source. This rich array of scanning electron microscopes is complemented by the latest digital TEM and new hybrid Argon ion milling sample preparation system.

Dedicated workshop sessions will be held for the popular TM3000 Tabletop microscope and the innovative new SU3500 VPSEM. The TM3000 workshop session will focus on how advanced and automated EDX can be carried out using this simple-to-use microscope, while the SU3500 workshop will demonstrate new levels of imaging clarity and analytical performance for this class of instrument. 3D imaging capability in real time, coupled with new low aberration optics and high sensitivity detectors, make this the most powerful thermionic emitter instrument available today.

The SU8030 cold field emission SEM will demonstrate the very highest imaging capability and detection flexibility. The SU8030 features Hitachi’s unique triple detection system for SE, BSE and surface potential imaging, which is ideal for comprehensive understanding of the latest nanomaterials. In addition, ground breaking data from Hitachi’s SU9000, the world’s highest resolution SEM/STEM, will be presented in a workshop session.

Hitachi’s HT7700 digital TEM will also be on show – forming an integral part of the “Learning Zone” activity. The HT7700 is optimized for high contrast imaging at low electron doses. It features a unique, high sensitivity real-time digital CCD camera which enables all microscope operations to be performed through the graphical user interface - including setup, alignment, image adjustment and image acquisition.

Hitachi’s display is completed by the IM4000 hybrid Argon ion milling sample preparation system. Used to prepare specimens for scanning electron microscope (SEM) imaging and analytical studies such as EDX and EBSP, the versatile IM4000 is capable of both pin-point cross-section and flat surface ion milling.

