Hollison Technologies Releases CIMS Food Safety Software

10 May 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Hollison Technologies announces that it has released its Contamination Information Management System (CIMS™) software which will be shown for the first time tomorrow at the Food Technology and Safety Forum in Chicago.

The CIMS software is offered as Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) hosted at multiple geographically diverse secure data centers with full fault tolerance and a 99.9% guaranteed uptime. Connections to the data center and the CIMS software utilize best-in-class security features such as 256-bit SSL/TLS transportation, EV-SSL certificates, strong passwords, multi-factor authentication and AD/LDAP user management.

The software utilizes an enterprise level Oracle® database and can be configured with web-services to exchange information with other enterprise level packages such as SAP®. The CIMS software can be accessed by any PCs or mobile device (including, smartphone, iPad, iPhone) using a standard, approved browser.

“The proprietary CIMS software allows the storage and tracking of biological, chemical and radiological contamination test results across multiple entities, within entities and at specific HACCPs within a single unified system,” said Anthony D. Bashall, Hollison’s executive vice president of technology and corporate development. “Having access to test results and data allows our clients to manage contamination, not recalls, by being able to visualize contamination test data in near real-time. This software is just one aspect of our total solution. Together with our patent pending sampling and detection capabilities Hollison is able to offer a comprehensive approach to managing food contamination from farm to table”

Because the CIMS software is offered as SaaS, it enables cost effective and rapid deployment from the smallest farms to the largest food processors whether they are in major cities or remote locations. The contamination test data is either entered manually or fully automatically using a network infrastructure (wired, fiber, WiFi, cellular or satellite).

