HORIBA Jobin Yvon Multichannel Detectors for every Occasion

4 Apr 2007

HORIBA Jobin Yvon is proud to introduce the definitive multichannel detector range. The Symphony CCD and InGaAs arrays with LN2 cooling; the Synapse CCD arrays with thermoelectrical cooling and the Sygnature CCD and PDA ambient temperature linear detectors.

All detectors are compatible with our comprehensive range of spectrometers, with focal lengths from 140 mm to 1.25 m, for almost any spectroscopic application.

The Symphony and Synapse CCDs are available in 14 different chip formats including open electrode, back illuminated and back illuminated with deep depletion. All detectors have full frame scientific grade chips for unrivalled sensitivity and linearity.

The low cost "plug and play" Sygnature detector is available as a 3648 pixel CCD or 1024 pixel photo diode array; the former for high sensitivity and the latter for wide dynamic range.

