HORIBA Medical Launches New Compact & Versatile Haematology Analyser

27 Oct 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

HORIBA Medical has launched a new compact and highly versatile haematology analyser. The Pentra ES 60 five-part differential (DIFF) analyser expands HORIBA Medical’s open tube haematology analysis family, efficiently providing consistently high quality and accurate results for non-standard samples through proven HORIBA Medical expertise and technologies. Such patented HORIBA Medical technologies enable the Pentra ES 60 to deliver micro-sampling capabilities and sample stability in excess of 48 hours.

As an open tube haematology analyser, the Pentra ES 60 is ideal for use where sample tubes and sample types may vary widely. Consequently, it can enable exceptionally flexible and convenient in vitro diagnostic testing of whole blood specimens. Covering 26 parameters (12 Complete Blood Count (CBC), 14 DIFF) and processing up to 60 samples an hour, the analyser provides extremely reliable results, including atypical lymphocytes and large immature cells.

The Pentra ES 60’s integrated Multi-Distribution Sampling System (MDSS) also enables micro-sampling (30 μL in CBC mode and 53 μL in CBC + DIFF), making the analyser ideal for paediatric or geriatric sample types, where only small sample volumes are available. Such small sample volume capabilities, with accompanying five-part DIFF, also makes the system highly suitable for research projects in areas such as stem cells, cancer, respiratory, pharmaceutical, clinical trials and sports science.

Ideal as a standalone analyser for small to medium sized laboratories, the Pentra ES 60 is a sleek and compact bench top system, designed to take up minimal workspace. The analyser’s Windows-based software makes it extremely simple to use, whilst also being adaptable to enable threshold adjustments for specific sample types. This flexibility is particularly useful in research-based environments. The simplicity of the analyser’s design also means there is no daily maintenance, just one automatic start up and shut down each day.

To ensure system security, the Pentra ES 60 can be set up with password protected access which also enables full audit trails for Quality Assurance purposes. With an external barcode reader the analyser guarantees 100% positive sample identification.

