HORIBA's Haematology Analyser Provides Rapid Treatment Outcomes

20 Sept 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

A study has confirmed that the granulocyte count of the recently launched ABX Micros ES60 3-part differential haematology analyser from HORIBA Medical correlates well when compared to the neutrophil count of a 5-part differential analyser, in the absence of specific flagging.

The neutrophil count is a key parameter in determining the treatment outcomes, with regards to chemotherapy, for both oncology and haematology patients, as well as for some other drug therapies, such as Clozapine.

The use of point of care testing (POCT) to make rapid treatment decisions is becoming increasingly popular in order to achieve greater efficiency and improve patient pathways. The ABX Micros ES60 analyser provides a fast, laboratory standard full blood count, with a 3-part differential in a variety of POC settings. Combining ease of use and a small footprint with CPA compliance, it is ideal for use within the POCT environment.

The ABX Micros ES60 produces a granulocyte count, consisting of neutrophils, eosinophils and basophils, as part of the 3-part impedance differential. The neutrophils make up more than 95% of the granulocyte population and therefore the granulocyte count from the ABX Micros ES60 should correlate well with a neutrophil count from a 5-part differential analyser provided that there are no flags alerting the operator of elevated eosinophil or basophil populations. The study examined the correlation between the neutrophil count from a 5-part differential analyser and the granulocyte count from the ABX Micros ES60.

The results of the study, undertaken by scientists at the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff in collaboration with HORIBA Medical specialists, showed an excellent correlation (R = 0.9885) between the granulocyte count from the ABX Micros ES60 and the neutrophil count from the 5-part differential analyser. This suggests that the ABX Micros ES60 granulocyte count can be confidently taken as the neutrophil count in therapeutic drug monitoring, provided that no M2 alarms are triggered.

