How to easily ID unknown particles in drug formulations

Join this upcoming webinar to learn a simplified method for identifying unknown particles with Raman spectroscopy and LIBS

7 Aug 2019
Holly McHugh
Administrator / Office Personnel

Particles in a drug formulation are an unwelcome discovery and can lead to production shutdown or product recalls. Various microscopy instruments and techniques exist to count particles and guess the composition based on morphology. Spectroscopic techniques enable identification based on unique elemental composition or Raman signatures.

The new Hound combines automated counting, microscopy, and three identification lasers into one instrument. Hound couples Raman 785 nm, Raman 532 nm, and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) with automated microscopy to count, analyze, and ID particles. Any operator can determine particle size and morphology distribution of any sample. Hound’s three lasers ensure that essentially any particle can be identified.

In this upcoming webinar, Dr. Robin Sweeney will demonstrate how new hardware and software advances have made it even simpler to use Hound for identifying particles and tracing contaminants back to the source.


Watch this webinar to learn about:

  • How particle ID has been simplified by combining many detection methods on one instrument
  • How to identify protein, organic, inorganic, and metal particles with Raman spectroscopy and LIBS
  • How chemical and elemental fingerprinting can be used to ID the root cause of particle

Who should attend?

  • Anyone who needs to characterize and identify visible and subvisible particles
  • Anyone who needs a tool to quickly track down the root cause of particles
  • People interested in customizing particle ID based on their processing and lab equipment
  • People who are currently sending their particle samples to external labs for identification

The live webinar takes place on Thursday, August 22, 2019, at:

  • 15:00 BST
  • 10:00 EDT
  • 07:00 PDT
  • 16:00 CEST

Scheduling conflict? No matter, register to receive an on-demand link to watch later>>

