Huddersfield Royal Infirmary Opens its New Automated Biochemistry Laboratory

5 Sept 2012
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Huddersfield Royal Infirmary, UK, part of The Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust, has opened its doors to a new multi-million pound Biochemistry Laboratory featuring an ADVIA® LabCell® automation solution from Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics integrating multiple ADVIA analyzers.

The redesigned biochemistry laboratory is striving to reduce the time taken to test sample bloods by a third and provide greater capacity for the laboratory to handle up to 3,000 blood samples every day.

Sharon Appleby, Pathology Services Manager at Huddersfield Royal Infirmary commented, “The investment brings the laboratory up to national gold level standards, which means we have the very best equipment in the country for the testing of local patients. The laboratory is a tremendous asset for the Trust and includes an amazing overhaul of the existing equipment and facilities of which we are very proud.”

“Installation of the track system went smoothly and Siemens worked well in partnership with us - we were able to transition over to the new lab design with minimal impact on our daily routine,” Sharon Appleby continued. “The new automated track with connected analysers will help us smooth out the peaks and troughs of sample management, helping our laboratory to become more efficient and ready for any changes in workload into the future.”

Geoff Emmess, Head of Sales at Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics said, “We are proud to have helped Huddersfield Royal Infirmary refit its biochemistry laboratory, which will help reduce test times and allow for sampling efficiencies to be realised. This will enable quicker diagnosis and treatment to take place, improving patient care at the hospital and surrounding GP practices.”

The Biochemistry Laboratory at Huddersfield Royal Informary includes an ADVIA LabCell automation system from Siemens , together with two sample managers, two ADVIA centrifuges, two ADVIA Centaur® XP Immunoassay systems and two ADVIA 2400 Chemistry systems.

A team of 40 biomedical scientists, support staff and laboratory assistants work within the laboratory to ensure inpatient and GP test requests are met.

