Hudson Control Group Introduces the Autoreact™ Mini-Bioreactor System

1 Oct 2007

Hudson Control Group recently announced the introduction of the AutoReact™ mini-bioreactor system for high-throughput cell culturing and fermentation testing. Using a 24-chamber bioreactor vessel with the footprint of a standard microplate, the system automatically loads, samples and feeds cells growing under 24 independent reaction conditions simultaneously. The entire system fits easily within a standard bio-safety cabinet.

The fully-automated run frees the user from any need to manually sample or monitor any of its 24 reactions, even for runs lasting days. Users can input an unlimited number of test conditions to trigger automated feeding and/or sampling of the chambers' contents, while maintaining the sampled amounts in a chilled environment for the entire length of the run.

The AutoReact™ system takes the place of large, and costly, room-sized shake-flask reactor setups common in most labs where cell line growth is done. The typical large flasks are replaced by a microplate-footprint tube rack that takes the place of 24 large flask setups. AutoReact™ employs the Cellerator™ bioreactor from MicroReactor Technologies along with Hudson Control Group's PlateCrane® and LabLinx® robotic microplate loading systems. The entire system is controlled by Hudson's Softlinx™ scheduling and data-tracking software for unparalleled high-throughput and ease of setup.

The AutoReact™ is ideal for clone screening and selection, protein production for research applications, and media development and improvement for both research and manufacturing applications.

