IDBS Announces the Release of PredictionBase 6.1 and its unique Model Quality Calculator

13 Sept 2006

IDBS is proud to announce the latest version of its state-of-the art in silico modeling application, PredictionBase 6.1. Acknowledging the increasing need for standardization and validation regarding predictive modeling, PredictionBase is the first application of its kind to include a Model Quality Calculator (MQC).

The MQC allows quality assurance of models developed both within the PredictionBase suite and from the user’s existing algorithms created outside PredictionBase. By linking model deployment with business rules, the MQC prevents inferior models from being distributed to bench scientists, giving an invaluable measure of predictive model quality and applicability not previously available.

As part of IDBS’ commitment to the advancement of in silico predictive technology, the MQC is also available as a free downloadable module, allowing all users of predictive technology to apply quality assurance to existing and new models.

Dr Kolossov, Product Manager for the PredictionBase suite, said: “In silico modeling continues to show great potential in reducing attrition rates within drug discovery, yet to date, this potential has not been realized. Quality assurance and validation of this powerful technology brings us one step closer to the effective application of predictive technology and ultimately reduces drug development times and cost.”

