IDT and SGI-DNA Broaden Their Collaboration to Provide Synthetic DNA Products up to 2 Mbp

28 Feb 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Integrated DNA Technologies, Inc. (IDT) and SGI-DNA announce an expanded partnership to develop, manufacture, and market a variety of synthetic DNA products.

IDT is the world’s leader in custom oligonucleotide synthesis and SGI-DNA is a newly formed subsidiary of Synthetic Genomics, Inc. (SGI), which focuses on genomic-driven solutions to a variety of global needs.

In February of 2012, IDT and SGI began to co-manufacture, commercialize, and market small synthetic gene products of up to 5 kb. IDT also launched its gBlocks™ Gene Fragments product line, for use in combination with SGI’s proprietary DNA technologies, including Gibson Assembly™, to assemble small gene constructs efficiently. gBlocks™ Gene Fragments have already revolutionized synthetic biology applications by substantially lowering DNA synthesis costs and making DNA assembly more efficient and reliable.

IDT and SGI-DNA are now extending this collaboration to manufacture and co-brand cloned synthetic DNA constructs up to 2 Mbp, and to make them available through IDT. This product offering has not been available until today and will make possible new applications including metabolic and whole genome engineering through de novo DNA synthesis. SGI-DNA will manufacture and become IDT’s exclusive supplier of the larger constructs. The two companies will also work together on the launch of an expanded IDT gBlocks Gene Fragments offering, expected later in 2013.

Dr. Joseph Walder, IDT’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer, noted, “By joining forces, IDT and SGI-DNA will enable the research community by providing a complete solution, from short genes to very large synthetic constructs, at prices and with delivery times simply unavailable in the market today.” “Enabling new and better research has always been the essence of IDT’s mission, so it’s the perfect fit.”

“Over the last year, we have grown our in-house gene synthesis business, and effectively worked together with IDT to co-manufacture and co-market smaller synthetic gene products. This is the natural next step in that collaboration,” agreed J. Craig Venter, Ph.D., SGI’s Founder and Chief Executive Officer. He continued, “We are excited about what we’ll accomplish through the combination of SGI-DNA’s unique expertise with large, complex gene products and IDT’s experience in manufacturing and delivering small DNA products to researchers around the globe.”

SGI is also announcing the official launch of SGI-DNA, which will be responsible for all aspects of the development, manufacture, and commercialization of SGI’s synthetic DNA business.

