IDT launches xGen Prism DNA Library Prep Kit

New product enables high DNA library complexity from low-quality samples at industry-leading conversion rates

20 Feb 2020
Diane Li
Assistant Editor

Integrated DNA Technologies (IDT), a leading comprehensive genomics solutions provider, has launched the xGen Prism DNA Library Prep Kit, designed to produce high-quality Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) data from precious but challenging samples, assisting in the early detection of cancer mutations and other applications.

The xGen Prism DNA Library Prep Kit uses a proprietary strategy that maximizes sample conversion at industry-leading rates. The kit is designed to convert DNA from cell-free DNA and formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues into high-quality NGS libraries. This high performance is important for sensitive applications that depend on the detection of single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in low-quality samples, including oncology samples that are especially difficult to evaluate.

Trey Martin, President of IDT said, “The xGen Prism DNA Library Kit is an outstanding addition to our comprehensive NGS portfolio. IDT’s unique approach for the Prism kit is an entirely new technology that turns difficult, low-quality samples into high-quality data. This solves the ‘needle in a haystack’ challenge faced by genomics researchers looking for DNA variants that can help determine the frequency and severity of tumor mutations.”

IDT’s approach in the new kit virtually eliminates adapter dimers, a common cause of reduced sequencing throughput. Reducing dimers means more usable data from each sequencing run. The xGen Prism DNA Library Prep Kit is also highly accurate, allowing the detection of ultra-low frequency variants. This is made possible through the inclusion of unique molecular identifier (UMI) sequences, which provide enhanced error correction and remove false positives.

The new kit will be featured at the upcoming Advances in Genome Biology and Technology (AGBT) conference in Marco Island, Florida, as part of presentations by IDT staff scientists, and by The McDonnell Genome Institute (MGI) at Washington University, which will preview early access data of the kit.

“We have been excited to test the new Prism kit. Our early test results have been promising, and the kit has enabled us to get successful libraries from some very challenging samples recalcitrant to many other methods,” said Bob Fulton, Director of Technology Development at The McDonnell Genome Institute at Washington University.

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