IKS International Announces New INB-203 CO2 Incubators

3 Feb 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

The new INB-203 CO2 incubators can be used for applications in IVF, cell culture, haematology, cell biology and pharmaceutical laboratories. The INB-203 model is a direct-heat incubator with a capacity of 42 litres and a temperature range from ambient +5°C to 60°C.

For those needing lower temperatures, the INB-203C has the added facility of peltier cooling down to ambient -5°C. This will be particularly useful for laboratories without adequate air conditioning, providing unprecedented security against loss of temperature-sensitive material. The larger INB-203 XL is a direct-heat incubator with a generous capacity of 179 litres and a temperature range from ambient +5°C to 60°C.

The design of the INB-203 range shows careful attention to detail. The combination of heating from all 6 internal surfaces with fan-assisted circulation means that temperature and CO2 levels stabilise quickly and that good temperature accuracy (± 0.25°C at 37°C) is achieved. As an option, the inner glass door can be subdivided into 6 sections (8 in the case of the INB-203XL), to minimise the environmental impact on sensitive samples when the door is opened.

Temperature and CO2 levels are monitored by reliable PID and infra-red sensors and there is optional battery backup in case of power failure. These incubators are fully compatible with IKS’ market-leading XiltriX® laboratory monitoring system. The inner chamber has rounded corners to facilitate cleaning and is condensation-free, helping to reduce the risk of contamination. Units can be stacked to conserve valuable laboratory space.

