ImageJ driver available for ProgRes<sup>®</sup> microscope cameras from Jenoptik

1 Sept 2008
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

Equipped with the new camera driver, ProgRes® microscope cameras by Jenoptik can be directly controlled via ImageJ image analysis software for the first time.

In addition to manual and automatic exposure time setting, camera resolution and color reproduction can also be selected now. Triggering and cooling are further selectable options where ProgRes® cameras have these capabilities installed. The driver is available for both Microsoft Windows and Apple Macintosh operating systems.

Image J is a free open-source image processing program mainly intended for scientific or medical image analysis. Originally developed at the National Institutes of Health (NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA), Image J is based on the Java programming language and available for use with many operating systems.

"The integration of ProgRes® camera control into Image J functionality via a proprietary driver will facilitate easy and direct image acquisition with ProgRes® microscope cameras as of now. This will significantly simplify image analysis and automated processing procedures for users of this software that has already been adopted worldwide", says Wolfgang Keller, General Manager Digital Imaging.

The driver is available free-of-charge for downloading by registered ProgRes® users at the product website at the Company article page.

