Improved extraction of high quality RNA from tissue samples

30 Jun 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Amsbio has announced a new kit for the extraction of high quality RNA from FFPE (Formalin-Fixed and Paraffin-Embedded) tissues that can be applied not only to PCR but also microarray applications. Traditional methods of formalin-fixation of tissues often result in severe RNA fragmentation, as well as in RNA-RNA, RNA-DNA and RNA-protein cross-linking, which impairs RNA solubilisation and template activity in reverse transcription and subsequent downstream assays.

The new ExpressArt® FFPE RNA-ready kit is optimised for isolation of total RNA from archival, formaldehyde or FFPE tissues and results in a concentrated RNA product that is ready-to-use. Using special lysis and incubation conditions ExpressArt FFPE RNA-ready isolation and mRNA amplification technology is able to extract high quality RNA and amplify very small amounts and degraded RNA. The consistency of high quality RNA produced by the kit, as determined by RNA yields, bioanalyzer RNA profiles and real-time qPCR data is outstanding.

The ExpressArt FFPE RNA-ready kit requires no overnight lysis step - deparaffinise in the morning and perform your RT-qPCR, mRNA amplification or microarray analysis in the afternoon. Offering the ability to work with up to five sections (10 to 20 µm thick), or up to 30 mg of unsectioned core samples, per reaction the ExpressArt® FFPE RNA-ready kit results in typical yields of ~ 2 µg RNA per slide.

