Improved Pumping Speed and Unique Automatic Evaporation with the PC 3001 VARIOpro Pumping Unit from VACUUBRAND
23 Apr 2013
Evaporations under vacuum conditions are very demanding of pump performance and vacuum control. VACUUBRAND´s new chemistry pumping unit, the PC 3001 VARIOpro, provides an integrated, user-friendly solution and supersedes its highly regarded, precise and durable predecessor, the PC 3001 VARIO. The new "pro" version features an improved pumping speed of 2 m³/h, thus expanding the range of application possibilities.
This new and improved version enables even faster duty cycles with large volumes of vapor and numerous process steps. At the heart of this extremely compact pumping unit is a chemical-resistant diaphragm pump that achieves an ultimate vacuum of 2 mbar, and 4 mbar even with gas ballast open for continuous condensate purge. This enables even high-boiling solvents to be easily evaporated without condensate building up inside the pump. The integrated vacuum controller, the CVC 3000, maintains optimal control of the motor speed and, thanks to its unique automatic function, enables the pumping unit to perform evaporations automatically, e.g., with a rotary evaporator, without the need for programming or supervision. When any vapor pressure change is detected, and the pump reacts immediately, optimizing the vacuum without operator intervention. As a result, other important laboratory work can be carried out at the same time, facilitating greater work flow. The continuously optimized vacuum results in high evaporation rates, reducing process times considerably - typically by more than 30%.