Increased Efficiency and Faster Viral Load Results with DxN VERIS Molecular Diagnostics System

Niguarda Hospital, Milan, shares experiences in newly available case study

21 Jun 2016
Alex Waite
Editorial Assistant

A newly released case study, available from Beckman Coulter, describes the experiences of Niguarda Hospital’s Molecular Biology Laboratory in the assessment of the DxN VERIS Molecular Diagnostics System.

Involving fewer steps and reagents, and with true, single sample random access, DxN VERIS increased laboratory efficiency and allowed faster turnaround of viral load results.

With an important Italian transplant center located at the hospital, CMV analyses are vital and results are needed without delay. In addition, the Molecular Biology Laboratory performs viral load measurements for HIV-1, HCV and HBV in order to evaluate and monitor therapeutic responses.

The new DxN VERIS Molecular Diagnostics System consolidates DNA extraction, nucleic acid amplification, quantification and detection onto a single automated instrument for a number of molecular targets, including HIV-1, HCV, HBV and CMV. Each assay is supplied in a unique, single cartridge system, and all consumables and reagents are stored on-board the system, which cuts preparation time compared to alternative methods. In addition, the system has true, single sample random access, unlike traditional plate based methods which require samples to be batched in order to be cost effective.

“Whereas our existing method for viral loads requires many manual steps and over 20 consumables, DxN VERIS involves much less manual intervention and just five reagents,” comments Diana Fanti, Molecular Biology Laboratory Manager.

“DxN VERIS allows true, single sample random access, which means that viral load assays can be performed as soon as they arrive in the laboratory. This, combined with short assay runtimes, ensures rapid turnaround of results,” she continues. “This is the most important advantage of random access testing for us, because it transforms the availability of medical reports to the different departments.”

