Increased sensitivity and throughput in MALDI-MS

30 Jan 2006

QIAGEN offers new chips for increased sensitivity and throughput in MALDI-MS peptide and protein analysis.

Functionalized hydrophobic surfaces on Mass·Spec·Focus Chips enable large sample volumes to be loaded, concentrated, and processed in situ, minimizing sample loss and maximizing signals. Mass·Spec·Turbo Chips contain up to 1600 pre-spotted matrix spots enabling high-throughput analysis of liquid chromatography fractions and 2D-PAGE gels in biomarker identification.

For phosphorylation mapping, Mass·Spec·Focus IMAC Chips offer on-chip purification and concentration of phosphopeptides. Mass·Spec·Focus Desalting Chips provide efficient on-chip cleanup and concentration of peptide samples, e.g., from tryptic digests. The highly homogenous matrix spots on Mass·Spec·Turbo Chips are easily loaded using automatic sample spotters or microfraction collectors. Direct application of sample onto matrix spots streamlines the MALDI-MS process by reducing handling and minimizes the chance of sample loss.

Initial feedback has been very positive. Professor Mark Baker, Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Proteome Analysis Facility (APAF) in Sydney, said “We have utilized Mass·Spec·Focus Chips with our high-end ABI mass spectrometers and have achieved dramatically better limits of detection. The results have been fantastic. Also, we are very excited about our recent results with the IMAC surfaces.”

