Innova Biosciences: Antibody Conjugation Services

18 Mar 2009
Brian Carpenter
Marketing / Sales

Bio-conjugates can be challenging to optimise and time consuming to produce:
1. Too much conjugation may result in the target protein becoming inactive and insoluble.
2. Too little conjugation can result in weak signals.
3. Our competitors require milligrams of your precious material and have a 2 week process time.

Fast & FAb™ Antibody Conjugation Service – We take the hassle, time and effort out of making antibody conjugates. Using state of the art conjugation chemistry, we have the ability to label microgram to milligram amounts of your antibody within 48 hours.

Conjugate optimization (Micro-optimizer™) - Innova Biosciences uses its proprietary technologies to enhance the performance of conjugates. By creating an array of trial conjugates (10 formulations per label) at low microgram scale (10µg per formulation) combined with selection in the assay of interest, the best possible conjugate can be attained.

PerfectSCALE™ - All conjugates produced using our micro-optimization™ technology can be scaled over many orders of magnitude without the need for extensive re-development of the process. The inherent simplicity of Innova’s technology means that exceptionally high yields are obtained, with minimal batch-to-batch variation, ensuring consistent performance.

