Innovative Color Calibration System for Optical Microscopy from Datacolor to be Showcased at ASCB 2013

29 Nov 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Visit Booth 902 to preview a first-in-class color calibration system for brightfield images.

Datacolor CHROMACAL™ standardizes the color in digital images produced through optical microscopes to ensure consistent and reliable reproduction between imaging systems, imaging sessions, users and viewers. This integrated system includes software to calibrate images to a color standard, together with a color calibration microscope slide to ensure a consistent color baseline, and a computer monitor calibration sensor that establishes color consistency among monitors.

The Datacolor CHROMACAL system works with your existing microscope and imaging system and fits easily into the imaging workflow.

Capture your specimen images and an image of the calibration slide.
Calibrate your specimen images using the proprietary software in single or batch mode.
Communicate the calibrated images on calibrated monitors for a standardized viewing experience.

Bring your own specimen slides to Booth 902 and experience Datacolor ChromaCal for yourself.
Datacolor CHROMACAL – Empowering Science with Color Integrity.

