Innovative Flow Cytometry Software to be Demonstrated at the Great Lakes International Imaging and Flow Cytometry Association

30 Sept 2009
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

Applied Cytometry’s are to showcase the VenturiOne® v3 at the GLIIFCA, Great Lakes International Imaging and Flow Cytometry Association’s annual meeting between the 2nd and 4th of October 2009 in Pittsburgh, USA. The VenturiOne® v3 is an innovative off-line Flow Cytometry data analysis software that allows researchers to work with more colours, monitor more events and deal with more samples.

Applied Cytometry is a sponsor of this event, which fosters interaction, promotes research and the exchange of information within the professional and research flow cytometry community. Applied Cytometry will demonstrate how VenturiOne allows researchers to take a fresh look at off-line flow cytometry data analysis. With the ability to analyse data produced by any cytometer, VenturiOne’s simple user interface, allows scientists to perform fast, simple everyday data analysis and explore the true potential of their data.

Dr Tracey Long, Marketing Manager at Applied Cytometry, notes: “The GLIIFCA meeting is an opportunity for us to illustrate how this powerful analysis software delivers significant advancements in flow cytometry to a keen and focused group, attending GLIIFCA to forward their research.”

