Innovative immune response investigation with Randox biochip

5 Oct 2008
Student / Graduate

Randox Laboratories have developed a revolutionary biochip array for the simultaneous quantitative testing of five cell adhesion molecules (CAMs). CAMs are complex membrane proteins that play a key role in immune processes and are elevated in certain disease states associated with atherosclerosis including stroke and cardiovascular disease.

The Randox adhesion molecules array includes intercellular and vascular cell adhesion molecules (ICAM-1 and VCAM-1) as well as the selectins (E, P and L). During an immune response, selectins initiate the interaction between leukocytes and endothelial cells, and then ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 mediate strong leukocyte-endothelial binding. These processes help leukocytes transmigrate into tissues and reach the site of infection.

The Randox adhesion molecules array allows simultaneous quantitative measurement of all five analytes with only 25µl of human plasma or serum. This revolutionary technology can promote understanding of the effect of these CAMs in pathological conditions and in turn lead to more accurate diagnosis and disease management.
The array based on ELISA principles can be run on the fully automated Evidence or the semi-automated Evidence Investigator.

Choose Randox innovative biochip array technology as a cost-effective and efficient solution for your research testing. This will place your laboratory at the forefront of scientific innovation.

