Innovative Instrument for Fluorescence Dynamics Wins R&D 100 Award

9 Sept 2007
Greg Smith
Analyst / Analytical Chemist

The MFF (Multi Frequency Fluorometer), the latest instrument from the Fluorescence Group at Horiba Jobin Yvon, has been named the winner of the R&D 100 Award, described as the "Oscar of Invention" by the Chicago Tribune. This award is sponsored by R&D Magazine. With this award, the MFF joins such prestigious products as anti-lock brakes, the fax machine, the ATM, and liquid crystal displays.

The MFF is an instrument which uses patented technology to instantaneously acquire data on the molecular behavior of substances such as cells, nanodevices, and research materials. These technilogical developments make it faster than any competing device and open new frontiers in research science.

