Innovative Liquid Temperature Control Instruments

6 Sept 2006

With it’s three product series Economy, TopTech and HighTech the current Julabo Program of circulators/baths offers a wide range of temperature control solutions for each demand and each budget.

Circulator with Extensive Features but Economical Price
With the new ME models, Ju­labo offers economical heat­ing and refrigerated circula­tors with extensive functions. The ME series is unique is it’s class due to it’s technical in­novations such as external Pt100 sensor connection, PID cascade temperature control, Vacuum Fluorescent Comfort (VFC) display, programmer, 3-point calibration, RS232 in­terface as well as an early warning system for low liquid level. The pump capacity is electronically adjustable and offers a pressure capacity or flow rate from 0.45 bar or 11–16 l/min. The ME circula­tor is available with 15 differ­ent combinations, starting with the Heating Immersion Circulators and Heating Cir­culators up to more powerful Heating and Refrigerated Cir­culators covering tempera­tures from –88 °C up to +200 °C.

Presto – High Dynamic Tem­perature Control Systems
Instruments of the Presto se­ries are the ideal solution for highly precise external tem­perature applications. They offer rapid heating and cool­ing of external applications. Automatic control of endo- or exothermic reactions. Typical applications are jacketed re­actors, reactor systems, auto­claves as well as distillation and pilot plants. The systems offer a wide temperature range from –85 up to +250 °C with just one unit. The life­time of the bath fluid is con­siderably longer compared with usual circulators. Six models with a cooling capac­ity of up to 7 kW are avail­able.

New Calibration Baths
The new calibration baths are perfectly suitable for applica­tions in calibration laborato­ries and conform to the re­quirements specified by DIN ISO 9001:2000. The series in­clude models with cooling units for working temperature ranges from –30 up to +200 °C as well as calibration baths for temperature ranges from +50 up to +300 °C. The instru­ments provide highest temper­ature stability up to +0.005 °C and temperature uniformity better than +0.01 °C. Refer­ence temperature measure­ments can be carried out with an additional external Pt100 sensor. The VFD Comfort Dis­play shows simultaneously ac­tual value, setpoint as well as reference temperature. A typi­cal application is the highly precise calibration of tempera­ture sensors, measuring de­vices, thermometers, etc.

Ultra-low Refrigerated Circulators: Maximum Cool­ing Capacity and Wide Tem­perature Ranges
The Julabo Ultra-low Refriger­ated Circulators offer an ex­ceptionally high heating and cooling capacity especially for applications up to –95 °C. Both air-cooled and water-cooled models are available with a cooling capacity of up to 5,5 kW. The circulators feature powerful circulating pump sys­tems for the temperature con­trol of external applications. The units are provided with an insulated filling nozzle which prevents from ice-formation within the circulator bath and with a heated plate that avoids formation of condensation wa­ter. Optionally the units are available with a bath opening of 28 x 23 cm for internal ap­plications. The possibility to in­stall an HSP booster pump re­spectively an HST booster heater allows to increase the pump capacity to 3.5 bar – 30 l/min and the heater capac­ity to 6 kW. Furthermore seven more models with an extended temperature range from –91 °C up to +180 °C are avail­able. The units are equipped with castors for an easy trans­portation.

For further information on our Julabo products please contact Julabo for our general catalogue 2004/2005 that can be obtained without charge as a PDF download from the internet.

