Innovative Phlebotomy Safety Device Launched by Greiner Bio-One at AACC

28 Jul 2013
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

Greiner Bio-One has launched the VACUETTE® TUBE-TOUCH passive safety device, for the global clinical community, at a press conference today at the AACC Clinical Lab Expo in Houston, Texas.

The VACUETTE® TUBE-TOUCH has an innovative passive safety shield that activates upon tube insertion and reduces the risk of exposure to bloodborne pathogens from a needlestick. The product comes to the customer completely assembled with a needle, safety shield and tube holder.

The VACUETTE® TUBE-TOUCH has many benefits in a hospital or high-risk facility.

• This product has been designed and tested by phlebotomists to help provide the best possible device performance before, during and after venipuncture.
• Completely automatic safety activation eliminates risk of needle stick injuries when venipuncture is terminated or interrupted.
• Position guide located on safety shield aids in skin penetration visualization.
• Unique bevel design diminishes patient discomfort during a venipuncture.

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