InProcess Instruments, the specialist for online gas analysis from Bremen, has enhanced the analysis of gas inclusions in glass with the GIA (Gas Inclusion Analyser).

6 Mar 2006

The extraordinary feature of this mass spectrometer for the analysis of gas inclusions in glass, ceramics or semiconductors is the construction and fabrication of the gold plated stainless steel chamber where even the smallest volumes of gas inclusions – including reactive components – can be measured.

Inside this chamber, the samples are broken with a special breaking device. The enclosed gas expands through a connector into the measurement chamber. In this setting, individual components of the gas mixture with a partial volume smaller than one Picolitre (10-12l) can be detected. Therefore, reliable measurements can be conducted even with the smallest gas inclusions. The InProcess software automates the analysis process and the data evaluation. This includes the system calibration and the reporting.

LCD panels and flat screens become ever more present in our daily lives and therefore receive increasing attention. For their quality assurance and product optimisation the experts from IPI have adjusted mass spectrometers specifically to this application which is already being used in Asia and worldwide for quality assurance.
