InSphero Expands Global Availability of its Patented 3D Cell Culture Platforms

PerkinElmer named as exclusive distributor of InSphero state-of-the-art 3D culture technology

5 Aug 2015
Chelsie Phillips
Temporary Editorial Assistant

InSphero AG, the leading supplier of easy-to-use solutions for production, culture, and assessment of more organotypic 3D cell culture models, has announced that its patented GravityPLUS™ Hanging Drop System and new GravityTRAP™ Ultra-Low Attachment (ULA) Plates are now available for purchase exclusively through PerkinElmer.

InSphero will now broaden global access to its 3D cell culture plates, while simplifying ordering and delivery logistics for a worldwide customer base. InSphero will be better able to meet increasing demand for reliable methods to grow cells as more biologically relevant 3D spheroids by working with PerkinElmer. Furthermore, this agreement will provide additional capabilities to PerkinElmer’s extensive portfolio of consumables, assays, and imaging systems, which the two companies have used to develop novel assays for drug discovery, safety, and efficacy testing.

“The agreement immediately accelerates our ability to efficiently supply and deliver InSphero plate technologies internationally, and also forges a strategic relationship for the continued development of next-generation 3D cell culture platforms, as well as 3D-optimized imaging and cell-based assay protocols,” says Dr. Jan Lichtenberg, CEO and co-founder of InSphero.

Lichtenberg notes that the relationship between the two companies has already yielded novel, high content imaging applications for assessing compound toxicity in liver microtissues, and enabled users to perform RNA interference screens to sensitize tumor spheroids to radiation in research applications.

“Our customers will benefit from PerkinElmer's global reach and technical expertise in experimental workflows when ordering and using InSphero plates. Our reliable, automation-compatible 3D cell culture platforms complement PerkinElmer’s assays and high-content imaging systems,” said Dr. Lichtenberg.

