Integrated Sepsis Diagnostics: Anagnostics’ Inflammation Marker Monitoring Now CE-IVD

18 Jul 2013
Sarah Thomas
Associate Editor

Anagnostics’ hybcell Inflammation Blood plexA has been successfully validated at Charité Berlin and is now CE-IVD marked.

This multiplexed inflammation and kidney parameter is used in case of severe infections or sepsis. The test delivers fast and quantitative results for the most common inflammation markers using smallest amounts of sample (100µL plasma). Tested are CRP, PCT, IL-6, IL-8, Cystatin C and Serum amyloid A (SAA) in 20 minutes. The low sample quantity, the ease of usage and fast results offer the possibility of an inflammation marker monitoring.

Benefits of the test include:
• A swift and quantitative result for a broad range of inflammation markers
• Very small amounts suffice as samples (100 µL)
• The results can be displayed as a time sequence (graph)
• Hygienic and simple handling procedure available on a 24/7 basis
• Simple and manageable cost control
• Integrated result calculation and presentation

