Introducing the Evolve® laser system for multidisciplinary surgical applications – High degree of acceptance among patients and cost-saving for the user

17 Nov 2008
Samantha Rosoman
Campaign Coordinator

biolitec AG is enhancing its already extensive range of laser systems and application accessories with three new devices belonging to the EVOLVE® family, each of which represents a world first for diverse surgical applications. The new systems will be presented at the 40th MEDICA trade fair from 19 to 22 November in Düsseldorf. biolitec AG will be at stand no. D78 in hall 10.

LIFE™ (Laser Induced Flow Enhancement) laser therapy with the EVOLVE® laser system for the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH, or benign enlargement of the prostate gland) has already become established as a standard treatment in the USA and Germany, and is covered by compulsory health insurance funds. The new EVOLVE® 300, the world's most powerful medical diode laser, provides urologists with a whole new level of laser power for fast and effective vaporization of prostate tissue.

Meanwhile, ELVeS® (Endo Laser Vein System) PainLess, which is used to remove varicose veins, provides a gentle alternative to conventional procedures. The EVOLVE® CUT 100 diode laser system enables precise, powerful ablation in various surgical applications. It raises the bar for other systems in terms of both its power and its compact design. Until now, only solid-state and gas laser systems were capable of producing excellent cutting results.

At this year's Medica, biolitec will also unveil its new EVOLVE® DUAL, the world's first medical diode laser with two different wavelengths that can be used in parallel. The EVOLVE® DUAL guarantees optimal ablation thanks to the proven coagulation properties of the EVOLVE™ series, which is already used for multidisciplinary applications in many clinics. EVOLVE® laser systems were developed for a broad range of applications, including ENT medicine, gynecology, gastroenterology, pneumology, treatment of inter-vertebral disks, aesthetics, and proctology.

The EVOLVE® laser series offers doctors microsurgical precision and simplifies many routine procedures with optimized treatment kits for specialized minimally invasive applications. The special design of this laser technology enables the highest level of simultaneous energy absorption in hemoglobin and water. This enables concurrent vaporization and coagulation of tissue in surgical applications. Cutting and coagulation in the same step produces excellent results in terms of hemostasis, or arrest of bleeding.

From the patient's perspective, the EVOLVE® laser system offers a gentle therapy with a minimum of complications. The benefits consist in faster healing, reduced scarring, and shorter recovery times. For the treating physician and clinic, this means increased patient satisfaction.

The EVOLVE® series is characterized by excellent mobility, low maintenance, and compatibility with most endoscopic systems. The multidisciplinary capabilities of the EVOLVE® laser reduce the necessary investment in equipment. Clinics and doctors can also increase their patient numbers by offering new, innovative forms of treatment.

The applications, handling, and efficiency of the biolitec laser systems will be demonstrated at the biolitec stand at Medica.

