Introducing the JASCO VIR-9000 Portable FT-IR Series

22 May 2007

JASCO is proud to announce the release of the VIR-9000 series; a compact, lightweight, flexible FT-IR system. The collimated entrance and exit ports make it an ideal instrument for a wide range of applications. The standard instrument integrates a hermetically sealed interferometer, DLATGS detector, high intensity source, KRS-5 windows and automatic alignment for optimum performance. Options include MCT, InSb and InGaAs detectors for increased sensitivity and battery operation.

Several different configurations are available including the VIR-9400, VIR-9500, and the VIR-9600. The VIR-9400 is the most economical, general purpose configuration. The VIR-9500 provides a maximum resolution of 0.5 cm-1 for both solids and gases. The VIR-9600 comprises the NIR configuration including a CaF2 beam splitter and halogen NIR source.

Dedicated accessory configurations offer gas cells, microscopes, NIR fiber optics, and other dedicated sample accessories. The optional MPS universal sample compartment provides the ability to integrate commercially available FT-IR accessories. The system is designed to offer high performance in the laboratory and in the field.

The VIR-9000 series incorporates the highly acclaimed, cross-platform software suite, Spectra Managerâ„¢. Spectra Manager incorporates instrument control, data processing and a high-speed interface to a laptop or desktop computer. Optional programs are available for quantitative analysis, multivariate analysis and film thickness calculations.

The dedicated VIR accessories provide rapid switchover between multiple FT-IR techniques including the Smart-Tech DRIFTS accessory developed specifically for forensic drug investigations. Choose from the NIR fiber-optic measurement system, the gas measurement system, the powder measurement system, or use the MPS sample compartment to interface with any FT-IR accessory.

