Introducing the neXt generation

15 Jul 2007

Astech Projects has today launched the X products, a range of next generation products for automated drug delivery testing. Developed as a collection of unique solutions for complex, previously un-automated applications, the X range combines Astech’s long-standing automation expertise with the robust quality engineering, for which they are well known. Designed to efficiently automate and improve respiratory drug delivery tests such as Dose Content Uniformity of the Emitted Dose and Particle Size Determination, the Xelair™, Xelize™ and Xelox™ together increase throughput, improve data consistency and reduce health and safety risks. In addition, a simple upgrade path is in place so all X products are easily upgraded when required.

Utilising its experienced industrial design skills gathered over many years of developing innovative and bespoke automation solutions, Astech has developed the X range to cover all aspects of automated inhaler testing. The Xelair is a groundbreaking series of products for testing the Dose Content Uniformity of the Emitted Dose, the Xelize is an advanced range for Particle Size Determination in conjunction with the Andersen Cascade Impactor and the Xelox, is a next generation series of products for Particle Size Determination with the next generation impactor (NGI).

Astech Projects’ Sales & Marketing Director, Anthony Moran commented, “We have been working with pharma companies for many years developing bespoke automation solutions for a variety of manufacturing and testing processes. We felt the next step was really to build this experience and expertise into a new product range that was readily available to everyone as off-the-shelf solutions.” He continued “The X products have been developed by our dedicated drug delivery team to the same high standards of our bespoke platforms, providing reliable and robust automation for a range of respiratory drug tests.”

