Introducing Two New LC/MS Systems for Confident Protein ID and Structural Elucidation
19 May 2009
Thermo Scientific LTQ Velos
The LTQ Velos™ features a new dual-pressure trap design and advanced ion optics, making it the world's fastest and most sensitive ion trap mass spectrometer.
The unique dual-pressure trap technology features two discrete pressure regions that decouple ion manipulation and detection. This enables the use of optimal pressures in both regions, increasing scan speed and resolution.
Thermo Scientific LTQ Orbitrap Velos
The LTQ Orbitrap Velos™ combines the proven mass accuracy and ultra-high resolution of the Orbitrap™ mass analyzer, with the increased sensitivity and improved cycle time of the LTQ Velos.
The high mass accuracy of the LTQ Orbitrap Velos increases the speed and confidence of protein identification in complex samples by minimizing false positives.
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