Introduction of UV/VIS/NIR Microspectrophotometer - MSV-300 Series

13 Aug 2007

JASCO is proud to announce the introduction of the MSV-300 series microspectroscopy system to the U.S. market. This UV/VIS/NIR microspectrophotometer provides transmittance/reflectance measurements of microscopic sample sites for a wide range of wavelengths, from the ultraviolet to the near infrared.

Conventional measurements require samples with dimensions comparable to a mm-sized optical beam. The MSV-300 series can measure color, film thickness, and other spectral properties of a microscopic area for either large or small samples with a minimum spatial resolution of 30 microns. The optional automated X-Y-Z stage provides multi-point or mapping measurements for surface analysis of samples.

The systems feature a wide spectral measurement range, offering continuous measurements between 250 and 2,000 nm (MSV-370) using a spectrometer integrated with a microscopy accessory, the microscope utilizing a PMT detector for the UV-Visible range and a PbS detector for the NIR measurement range. Utilizing dual Cassegrain objective/condenser mirrors, the sample can be easily visualized for transmission or reflection measurements. An integrated CCD camera allows verification of the analysis site and sample position while defining the sample aperture on the software system. All microscope operations are PC-controlled through the Spectra Manager software interface; the CCD video image, virtual instrument interface, sample aperture and reflection/transmission mirror controls which are accessed and controlled through the microscope control software.

