Introduction to a Novel Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) Method

18 Jan 2015
Charlotte Moore
Administrator / Office Personnel

Porvair Sciences has published an informative 8-page brochure providing scientists with a background to Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP), an introduction to Chromatrap ChIP assay technology and how Chromatrap compares to traditional bead based methodologies.

Chromatrap, the novel solid-based matrix for ChIP assays, available from Porvair Sciences, has been successfully used to isolate high quality chromatin from a wide range of biological matrices by research groups around the world.

Chromatrap uses a solid phase porous polymer functionalized with either protein A or G, allowing the chromatin capture to be more sensitive and efficient than bead based methods. The Chromatrap spin column approach offers significant advantages; including shortened protocol length (ChIP in under 5 h), less manual handling and sampling loss when compared to other methods based on sepharose or magnetic beads. Two formats are available, single spin column and 96 well microplate high throughput devices, both with excellent DNA enrichment for samples between 50ng-7000ng.

