Inverness Medical promotes rapid community HIV testing in Singapore

21 Oct 2007

Since August 2007, the Ministry of Health for Singapore has made rapid HIV testing available in community clinics across the country. In support of this new service, Inverness Medical is promoting rapid HIV testing with informational posters in the 125 approved clinics. Where traditional blood tests for HIV can take days to provide results, rapid tests deliver reliable results in as little as 15 minutes whilst the patient is still present. Inverness Medical understands the importance of early diagnosis in saving lives and reducing the spread of HIV infection, and has launched Determine HIV 1/2 from the Determine STI range of rapid diagnostic tests.

The easy to use Determine rapid test qualitatively detects for both HIV type 1 and type 2 antibodies in human serum, plasma and whole blood samples. Using simple, single use test cards, Determine HIV 1/2 is ideal for use in community clinics to diagnose, monitor, prevent and screen for HIV infection. The Determine test provides clear visual results in just 15 minutes, making patient follow up easier than ever before. Patient anxiety is reduced and if necessary counselling and anti-retroviral therapy can begin with no delay.

With around 40 million people around the world living with AIDS/HIV1 Inverness Medical are committed to preventing the spread of this growing epidemic. By working with the Ministry of Health in Singapore they hope to highlight the critical role of rapid diagnosis in the fight against AIDS/HIV worldwide.

1. World Health Organisation

