IRIS: The First 'Electronic Eye' from Alpha MOS

4 May 2011
bridget bridget
Laboratory Director

Alpha MOS, announces the launch of an artifical eye named « IRIS Visual Analyzer » dedicated to visual and sensory analysis. Already a specialist of odor and taste digitalisation, Alpha MOS innovates once again: with this new instrument, the electronic eye, the company strengthens its range of sensory analysis instruments.

The newly developed IRIS Visual Analyzer is aimed at analyzing complex food and packaging products (pizzas, cookies, ready-made meals, grains mixtures, etc…). The specificity of the instrument is to proceed in
a way similar to human visual perception: a detection system (in this case a CCD camera) analyzes colors or shapes, transmit the signals to a computing system and compares them to a standard or a defined pattern.

Thanks to the camera that takes a picture of one or several samples simultaneously, this Electronic Eye analyzes the surface of each sample (color, surface) in a few seconds. In-depth analysis of complex images is achieved thanks to advanced multivariate statistics processing (Principal Component Analysis, Discriminant Factorial Analysis, Statistical Quality Control).

Upon measuring qualitative and quantitative attributes, IRIS Visual Analyzer can be used in product development and at-line quality control:

• Palatability assessment of complex food or packaging products
• Monitoring of product stability and shelf life (ripening, freshness)
• Benchmarking of competitive products
• Process monitoring (cooking, roasting, blending, etc)
• Quality control and batch to batch consistency monitoring for routine tests
• Exogens colors / materials identification in a batch or a product (impurities, unwanted ingredients)
• Surface homogeneity analysis
• Automated estimation of ingredients weight
• Identification of ingredients overlapping
• Analysis of consumer visual likings.
