ISO 17025 accredited determination of trace metals.

4 Dec 2008
Emily Marquez-Vega
Publishing / Media

Operating in an ISO 17025 and GMP accredited environment following strict operating procedures - Warwick Analytical Service has developed a reputation for accurate and precise determination of trace metals in organic materials using Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES).

Equipped with modern high resolution ICP instrumentation - Warwick Analytical Service is able to resolve the most complex spectra and routinely analyse even the most difficult samples. Detection limits are low for most elements (typically <10ppb) and multi-element determinations can be achieved rapidly and precisely.

For particularly demanding materials, such as metal oxides, metallic catalysts, polymers and geochemical materials, that do not dissolve well by traditional means - high pressure microwave digestion apparatus is used to effectively and rapidly digest samples ready for ICP-OES analysis. The result is enhanced data reproducibility and improved sensitivity.

Warwick Analytical Service (WAS) is a company dedicated to providing analytical excellence at a realistic cost. Through experienced staff, the latest analytical instrumentation and working closely with clients - WAS has established a strong reputation for informed personal service and delivering top quality data on time.

The WAS ICP-OES service is available for the determination of a wide range of major and trace elements in a single analysis. ICP-OES analysis enables accurate and precise analysis for 70+ elements in the periodic table.

For full details of the ICP-OES sample analysis service please contact Warwick Analytical Service on tel. +44-2476-323223 or download the Analytical Service Note from the company article webpage.
