Isolating and Culturing Human Malignancies in 2D and 3D at AACR

28 Mar 2018
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel

Visit PromoCell at the upcoming AACR show on booth 2843 to learn more about their new range of cancer cell culture media for isolating and culturing human malignancies in 2D and 3D.

PromoCell’s cancer cell culture portfolio covers a complete range of applications for culturing human malignant cells. Their innovative range of serum-free and defined cancer cell culture media allows for culturing primary human cancer cells and cancer cell lines as 3D spheroids or 2D adherent monolayers under highly standardized conditions.

The new PromoCell Culture System enables primary cultures of human malignancies:

To allow the establishment of long-term cancer cell primary cultures from all types of malignant solid tumors independently of their origin or stage, PromoCell designed the Primary Cancer Culture System. This culture system offers a universally applicable and cost-effective solution with a defined and animal-free culture environment without using cytotoxic agents. The culture and the enrichment of malignant cells are supported while the growth of benign cells is not promoted. As a result, culture conditions are selective for cancer cells, while preserving the original diversity of the cancerous subpopulations. The selection is based on functional properties, and subsequent cell sorting is not needed.

Click here to learn more about PromoCell's Primary Culture System

