It All Stems From Here: Lonza Innovation Showcase Features Novel Culture System at ISSCR
22 Jun 2014
Lonza introduced its new L7™ hiPSC Reprogramming and hPSC Culture System for basic stem-cell research, disease modeling, drug development and regenerative medicine at ISSCR, in Vancouver, Canada. Lonza’s highlighted offering includes innovative tools to simplify and streamline the stem-cell culturing and reprogramming workflow. The novel L7™ Culture System supports the generation of reproducible, clinically relevant data as a solid basis for more efficient drug development and accelerated progress in regenerative medicine.
The L7™ stem-cell reprograming and culture system includes seven key components that are aligned and function as a robust workflow:
1. Primary cells, including disease phentoypes
2. Nucleofector™ Technology
3. hPSC Reprogramming Kits
4. hPSC Medium
5. hPSC Matrix
6. hPC Passaging Solution
7. hPSC Cryosolution
This novel culture system is the only available complete solution for the generation of induced pluripotent stem-cells (iPSCs), the maintenance of human embryonic stem-cells (hESCs) and iPSCs under defined, xeno-free conditions. The culture system allows for every other day feeding and supports long term culture and maintenance of hPSCs. The L7™ System thus provides a seamless transition from the lab bench to clinical development applications.
Highlighting their new advancements, Lonza will host the Innovation Showcase “Bridging Research to Therapy: Novel iPSC Tools and Technologies” on Thursday, 19 June, 11:30am - 12:30 pm, in the West Ballroom B, Level # 1. During the one hour symposium, three renowned speakers will describe different approaches to overcome hiPSC challenges.