Italy to Sell Revolutionary Test for Cancer Diagnostics

2 Nov 2011
Sonia Nicholas
Managing Editor and Clinical Lead

The Austrian company Anagnostics Bioanalysis, has agreed to enter into a sales partnership with Italian Cell. ENG s.r.l. The move grants the Italian diagnostics company the exclusive rights of sale in Italian markets, of an innovative tool for the identification of special carcinogenic cell mutations.

The agreement currently includes Anagnostics new KRAS test, which detects mutations in the KRAS gene that render some anti-cancer therapies ineffective. Bearing in mind that such advanced therapies can cost up to EUR 100,000, companion diagnostics like this are becoming increasingly important.

The KRAS test is based on Anagnostics revolutionary Hybcell technology, a unique further development of the microarray technology. Equipped with numerous test fields, the microarray is integrated into a rotating cylinder filled with the sample. In this hybcell, which has already been patented, many test parameters can be measured at the same time thanks to the numerous test fields. Here, the rotation enables dynamic and thus comprehensive contact between the test field and sample. This facilitates fast response processes.

For Anagnostics, the KRAS test is the prelude to the development and sale of further tests for cancer companion diagnostics. All of these tests will be developed based on the hybcell technology. Its partner in the development is the Italian-based company Diatech Pharmacogenetics, which is renowned for the development of advanced tests in the area of pharmacogenetics. Together, the partners will develop combined tests for the KRAS, BRAF and EGFR gene, which, in addition to Italy, will be sold across the European market by further sales partners.

Dr. Doris Agneter, CEO of tecnet equity, comments the rapid business development of Anagnostics: "The hybcell technology has already been successfully launched on the market by Anagnostics in recent years. First for drug tests, and then for verifying infectious diseases. Working together with tecnet, the product range has been expanded for the companion diagnostics market. The joint establishment of a sales structure in one of the largest markets in Europe is a consequent, additional success story."

Dr. Petra Bohuslav, Provincial Councilor for Economic Affairs, Tourism, Technology and Sports in Lower Austria, welcomed the company's international market presence: "The successful support of Anagnostics by tecnet is also a result of our 2015 growth strategy for Lower Austria. The aim of this strategy is to support companies to penetrate new markets and thus enhance their competitiveness."

