JASCO Announces NRS-5000/7000 Series Raman Spectrometers

4 Jan 2010
Sarah Sarah
Marketing / Sales

JASCO is pleased to announce the release of the NRS-5000/7000 series of Raman spectrometers. Building upon the powerful capabilities of the NRS-3000 series, the NRS-5000 and NRS-7000 series instruments provide even greater features and technological innovations.

The NRS-5000/7000 series instruments can integrate as many as 8 excitation lasers (9 wavelengths) from the UV to the NIR, automated laser/Raman scattering path alignment, automated grating and laser selection and up to two detectors. The NRS-5100/5200 instruments feature a 300 mm spectrograph and 3 selectable gratings. The NRS-7100/7200 instruments include a 500 mm spectrograph and up to 4 selectable gratings. The NRS-5200 and NRS-7200 instruments offer a dual-grating, low wavenumber measurement unit for optimized Raleigh rejection and Raman spectra down to 10 cm-1.

The NRS-5000/7000 instruments offer high-speed imaging capability using the Software Programmable Raman Integration System (SPRIntS) for rapid scanning and sample imaging capabilities. The Verti-Scan capability ensures a consistent confocal sample excitation capability to obtain undistorted 3-D images, even without the use of an automated X-Y-Z sample stage. The Dual Spatial Filtering capability reduces sample fluorescence while enhancing spatial resolution.

